Carter: House Democrats Double Down on Impeachment Sham


Date: Oct. 31, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-Ga.) released the following statement today after House Democrats passed an impeachment resolution 37 days after starting their impeachment inquiry:

"Today House Democrats doubled down on their impeachment sham with a vote nearly 40 days after they started the process. Shockingly, with this vote, they've made their unfair, backroom inquiry even worse. This resolution gives House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff more power, limits member involvement even more, and again fails to give the President of the United States the due process he deserves.

"The most egregious part of this vote today, though, is that it will continue to waste the American people's time. The Senate has already said that impeachment is dead on arrival. Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are preventing the House from doing real work like passing a trade agreement, lowering prescription drug prices, supporting our military and securing our border to continue this witch hunt that is not going anywhere. House Democrats have passed more subpoenas this Congress than bills. It's clear that their priority is overturning the 2016 election, not working to improve the lives of Americans.

"We have all seen the transcript. We have all seen the whistleblower report. There is nothing there. This must end now."
