Murray Energy Declares Bankruptcy, Manchin Urges Passage of his Bill to Save Healthcare and Pensions


Date: Oct. 29, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

After Murray Energy, the biggest coal company in the country, declared bankruptcy, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) urged the passage of his legislation, the American Miners Act, that would protect coal miners' healthcare and pensions.

"It's a sad day when West Virginia workers and their families can lose everything they've worked for due to another corporate bankruptcy. Today's announcement that Murray Energy will file for bankruptcy underscores the urgent need to protect the hard-earned pensions and health care of West Virginia's coal miners. Today's announcement means an additional 14,000 miners are at risk of losing their healthcare benefits and it will gut the pensions of 82,000 coal miners and their families. Instead of going insolvent in 2022, the UMWA pension fund will go insolvent next year. The time is now for McConnell to stop using our coal miners as a bargaining chip, and pass the American Miners Act to protect miners from losing their hard-earned healthcare and pension."
