Latta: Impeachment Inquiry Resolution Doubles Down on Sham Process


Date: Oct. 31, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) released the following statement after voting against H.Res. 660, an impeachment inquiry resolution offered by the House majority. The resolution passed the House despite no Republican voting in favor and receiving bipartisan opposition.

"Today's vote was simply a tool for House Democrats to say they are now running a legitimate impeachment inquiry, even though they are conducting nothing of the sort. Americans rightly believe in due process, in having access to legal counsel, in being able to confront your accusers -- all of which we're seeing be denied in House Intelligence hearings. Now, 37 days after this all began, with mounting criticism of the majority's behind-closed-doors approach, House Democrats decide to put this resolution on the floor. However, H.Res. 660 breaks with the precedent established in prior impeachment proceedings and attempts to legitimize what has been a sham process to date.

"Alexander Hamilton warned of the dangers that a politicized impeachment process would bring. Today is the realization of Hamilton's fears. The only solace from this action is that there were House Democrats that joined Republicans in opposition to the secretive approach. While everyone should have voted no, at least there is a glimmer of bipartisan support for due process and doing the right thing. The American people deserve openness and transparency, and they are not getting it. As the majority charges full speed ahead in their attempt to overturn the 2016 election, we must stand strong for what is just and fair."

