McEachin and Thompson Introduce Bill to Help Grow Partnerships Between Small Businesses and DHS


Date: Oct. 17, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) and Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson (MS-02) introduced the Department of Homeland Security Mentor-Protégé Program Act of 2019, legislation to authorize a business mentor-protégé program within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Department of Homeland Security Mentor-Protege Program Act of 2019 seeks to encourage large prime contractors to partner with and enhance the capabilities of small businesses, and thus increase their ability to compete for future DHS contracts. Building the capacity of small businesses increases the poll of qualified vendors to fulfill DHS contracting needs and enhances America's security. The mentor-protégé program has been in existence at DHS since 2003 but has yet to be codified.

"Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, producing well-paying jobs and world-beating innovations. Unfortunately, many small firms are shut out of federal contracting. Complicated requirements tilt the playing field toward massive corporations," said Congressman McEachin. "My bill will give small businesses -- including woman-, veteran-, and minority-owned firms -- a fairer shot at Homeland Security contracts. By encouraging major contractors to partner with and "mentor' small businesses, we can help those firms gain the know-how to compete in their own right. Growing a broader, more diverse pool of DHS contractors will mean better deals for taxpayers, a stronger and fairer economy, and ultimately, a safer America."

"Small and minority owned business should be able to compete for contracts with the Department of Homeland Security, just as large companies do," said Chairman Thompson. "This legislation will help smaller businesses by encouraging large firms to share their experience and knowledge with smaller ones to help them compete at a higher level. Increasing competition by giving everyone a fair shot is a win-win for everyone. I thank Congressman McEachin on introducing this important legislation."
