Visclosky Statement in Response to The Announcement that Chairwoman Nita Lowey Will Not Seek Re-Election


Date: Oct. 10, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Pete Visclosky released the following statement in response to the announcement that Chairwoman Nita Lowey will not seek re-election:

"Chairwoman Lowey is a tremendous legislator and a constant, effective force for the people of our nation and the institution of Congress.

"Nita's dedication to her constituents and all Americans has never wavered.

"Her steadfast leadership of the House Appropriations Committee has not only provided untold benefits to communities throughout our nation, but also serves as a positive example of how to get things done in Congress.

"I look forward to continuing to implement the critical decisions and oversight work of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee under the leadership of Chairwoman Lowey throughout the 116th Congress.

"Her leadership is essential as we move forward to enact funding legislation for our military and intelligence agencies, improve the well-being and morale of military families, and keep our nation safe.

"Given the serious nature and necessity for continuity to address evolving threats to our national security, I have no intention of seeking the Chairmanship of the full House Appropriations Committee.

"In addition to my work on the Subcommittee, I remain focused on making transformational investments in the transportation and economic infrastructure of Northwest Indiana in order to grow our regional economy and create more good-paying job opportunities."
