We Have Been Vindicated

Floor Speech

By: Al Green
By: Al Green
Date: Sept. 25, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, and still I rise, because I love my country.

I rise today, Madam Speaker, to thank the Speaker of the House for standing up for this country, advancing the cause of justice, and taking on the challenge to protect our Nation, when it is obvious that national security is of great concern.

I rise because there were persons who made yesterday possible. There are some who say that yesterday was a tipping point, others say that things happened that were the equivalent of a straw that broke the camel's back as it relates to impeachment, but I say that yesterday was a seminal moment in time that has the potential to impact the rest of our time.

I say that yesterday was a moment of truth, and I say that there were people who made yesterday possible.

I would like to read a statement into the Record that will address many of the people, not all, but many of the people who made yesterday possible.

My statement reads: ``On behalf of people of goodwill, I thank the first 58 who voted to move Articles of Impeachment on November 6, 2017, the historic 66 who voted to move Articles of Impeachment on January 19, 2018, and the noble 95 who voted to move Articles of Impeachment on July 17, 2019.

For their tireless and progressive efforts, I would also like to thank By the People; Center for Popular Democracy; Citizens Impeachment Coalition; Common Cause; Courage Campaign; CREDO; CREW; D.C. Action Lab; Democracy for America; Free Speech for People; Indivisible; Lawyers for Good Government; Mainers For Accountable Leadership; March for Truth; March for Truth--Boston; MoveOn; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NAACP; Need to Impeach; NextGen America; Our Revolution; Popular Democracy; Progressive Democrats of America; Revolving Door Project; Social Security Works; Stand Up America; and Women's March.

With nearly 200 Members of the House of Representatives favoring impeachment inquiry, we have been vindicated. However, our approach is not one that has ended as of yesterday. We need 218 to vote for impeachment. There is more to be done.

