Subcommittee Chairmen Issue Joint Statement on White Nationalist Terrorism Hearings


Date: Sept. 16, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.

Today, Rep. Ted Deutch, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism, and Rep. Max Rose, Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, and Reps. Stephen F. Lynch and Jamie Raskin, Chairmen of the Oversight and Reform Subcommittees on National Security and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, issued the following statement on this week's hearings on the transnational terrorist threat of white nationalist terrorism:

"It's abundantly clear that violent right-wing extremism is a transnational terrorist threat to U.S. national security. Our subcommittees have already heard from key intelligence officials and subject matter experts who have warned about the risks of not treating this with equal seriousness as we treat other forms of terrorism. This week, our subcommittees will examine the transnational threat of white nationalist terrorism and consider solutions for how the United States and our international partners should combat it, while preserving the civil rights and liberties of all Americans."
