Leader McCarthy Addresses the Democrats' Socialist Prescription Drug Plan

Date: Sept. 19, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

At a weekly press conference, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) delivered the following remarks on the Democrats' socialist plan to give the government full control over prescription drug prices.

Highlights are below, or watch the full conference here.

"I want to shift to a concerning issue facing too many of our American citizens, and that's the increasing costs of prescription drugs. We heard the Democrat plan, and like most of what we have seen this Congress, their solution is simple: more socialism.

"The Democrats want the government to have complete control over our healthcare -- particularly Americans' access to medicine.

"The result will be less choice, which means less hope for Americans who are sick.

"The answer to increasing costs is not socialism. It is more choice and more cures. That means lowering hurdles to get new medicine to market, price transparency, and rebate reform.

"The sad part about all of this is that earlier this year, we had three bills in [the Committee on] Energy and Commerce … where all the Republicans and all the Democrats agreed [that the bills] would lower prescription drug prices. But after it left committee, it had to go through the Speaker's office. In doing so, the Speaker put a poison pill in it to make it partisan.

"If there's one thing I would hope the Speaker would do, [it is to] work together. Americans want to see their prescription drug prices lowered. The President wants to help, the Senate is working in a bipartisan manner to help, and we will work with anyone who wants to lower prescription drug prices. Do not move to try to appease that new Socialist Democratic movement within your conference; come to the center, because there is a side where we can actually solve a problem, have a law, and make America stronger."
