Heritage Action Ranks Mo Brooks #1 on Foundational Principles Issues


Date: Aug. 8, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.

Each year, Heritage Action (the political action arm of the Heritage Foundation) evaluates Congressional records on the issues of "free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense." In 2019, Heritage Action ranks Tennessee Valley Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) #1 out of 435 Congressmen, with a 100% grade, for his support of America's foundational principles. Heritage Action's Congressional Scorecard is the Congressional gold standard for support of the foundational principles that have made America the greatest nation in world history.

Congressman Brooks said, "Heritage Action is on the front lines of the battle to protect America's foundational principles from Congressional mischief. I thank them for helping to inform the voting public about which members of Congress keep their campaign promises (and which don't) concerning Free-Enterprise vs. Socialism, liberty and freedom vs. tyranny, traditional American values vs. anti-American values, border security vs. open-borders, a strong national defense vs. weakening America's defenses, and a host of other issues."

Brooks concluded, "Abraham Lincoln said in a 1838 speech, "If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.' Stated differently, America's greatest threat is not a foreign nation or outside enemy, it is within. Lincoln was prophetic. Socialists, open-borders advocates, debt junkies, and those who hate America work overtime in Congress and across America to undermine America's foundational principles and bring America down. They must not win! I have in the past, and will in the future, fight for the foundational principles that have made America the greatest nation in world history. American prosperity and American lives are at stake. America's future depends on beating back the anti-American tsunami that threatens to swamp and drown the very principles that have made us who we are: the greatest nation in world history."
