Pallone blasts Trump Administration's intimidation campaign against automakers


Date: Sept. 6, 2019

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) blasted news that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is launching an investigation into the fuel economy deal four automakers recently brokered with the state of California:

"This is a desperate intimidation campaign against those working to support clean air protections for all Americans. Weaponizing federal agencies and the Department of Justice is a gross abuse of power, and likely ordered by a President who is acting like a dictator seeking to punish his enemies. Today's actions are vindictive, corrupt and a harsh reality check for those still laboring under the illusion that this is the party of small government and states' rights.

"As we address the climate crisis, I'll continue doing everything in my power to ensure auto companies have certainty and consumers benefit from more efficient vehicles."
