Issue Position: Economic Prosperity and Job Creation

Issue Position

Economic Prosperity and Job Creation
Traditionally Virginia has been ranked as one of the top states for business and job creation, but in recent years our rankings have begun to slip. Last year we were actually near the bottom of the list of states for economic growth. These are more than statistics, this translates to less opportunities for jobs and upward improvement in the lives of Virginia families.

As a businessman, I know that government can't create jobs, but it can foster a climate to make it easier for the private sector to prosper.

To improve our jobs climate, we need to let Shenandoah Valley families and small businesses keep more of their own money to invest in their communities by lowering the tax burden and controlling spending. Where appropriate, we should lift the burden of costly regulations that are not serving their intended purpose or the public interest. While overregulation can be harmful to all businesses, it can be most detrimental for small businesses that simply do not have the resources to try to stay both compliant and profitable. Additionally, we must maintain and strengthen our right-to-work laws that give workers the freedom to choose whether or not they want to participate in a labor union.

During my time in office I have opposed tax and fee increases and patroned measures that seek to cut through government red tape and place more scrutiny on our existing regulations. I have consistently supported legislation that solidifies our status as a right-to-work state, which is one of the greatest tools in our toolbelt for attracting new businesses and jobs to the Commonwealth.

I am a firm believer in our free market system. It provides the best opportunity for every citizen to pursue his or her dreams. Government has a responsibility to establish a level playing field and basic requirements for safety and welfare, but it should not be so intrusive and costly that it stifles the ability of individuals to pursue their dreams.
