Rep John Katko Urges Action On Red Flag Law


Date: Aug. 5, 2019
Location: Syracuse, NY

U.S. Rep John Katko today released the following statement:

"I am devastated by the senseless violence that occurred in El Paso and Dayton this past weekend. These hateful acts have no place in our society, and my heart is with the families of the victims and with these communities during this incredibly difficult time.

"There is no singular solution to stopping this type of violence - but we must act. That means working across the aisle to enact commonsense reforms to keep firearms out of the hands of those who should not have them. I firmly believe the bipartisan red flag legislation that I've introduced and championed is a starting point for the dialogue that must take place across our country.

"I was glad to hear the President voice support for this type of legislation today. Action is long overdue. I urge the White House and both houses of Congress to look carefully at this bipartisan measure so that we can prevent these heinous acts of violence."
