Meng Statement on Trump Administration Terminating Family Reunification Programs for Haitians and Filipino World War II Veterans


Date: Aug. 3, 2019
Location: Queens, NY

U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) today issued the following statement blasting the Trump administration for ending the Filipino World War II Veterans Parole Program and the Haitian Family Reunification Parole Program, which seek to reunite Haitians and Filipino World War II veterans in the U.S. with their family members.

"This is yet another cruel and heartless decision by the Trump administration. It is unconscionable and further illustrates the President's anti-immigrant agenda, and shameful practice of separating families.

The Haitian community has contributed greatly to our nation and Filipino World War II veterans put their lives on the line to serve the United States. These veterans fought under the U.S. command and our flag. They suffered the same torture and horrors the U.S. soldiers had to endure, including the infamous Bataan Death March.

At the start of the war, these Filipino soldiers were promised full veterans benefits. But by the end of the war, in what was one of the greatest betrayals by our nation, we turned our backs on them and broke that promise.

The Filipino World War II Veterans Parole Program was created to undo some of these injustices by expediting the reunion of these veterans and their families. These veterans are in their 90s, and they deserve to be cared for by their loved ones.

By ending this program, however, the Trump administration would once again betray these veterans.

I urge the administration to reverse course, and not end either of these critical programs."
