CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. John Garamendi


Date: June 28, 2019


BLITZER: Jim Acosta in Japan for us -- Jim, thank you.

Joining us now, Democratic Congressman John Garamendi. He is a member of the Armed Services Committee.

Congressman, I want your thoughts on the president's trip to the G20 in just a moment.

But, first, what did you think of last night's Democratic presidential debate, which featured that heated exchange between Senator Kamala Harris and former Vice President Biden?

REP. JOHN GARAMENDI (D-CA): Well, I was actually flying across the country at that moment, and I just cringed. I said, here goes the beginning of the circular firing squad.

We really can't do that. There are so many issues out there. The integration issue goes back to the '70s. I was in the -- in the assembly here in California. It was very, very difficult.

But we have to press forward. We have to press forward to make sure that every part of our society has access to the education they need, to the jobs that are out there. And so we need to go -- we need to move beyond that. And, please, no more circular firing squads for our team. We have got a great team out there.


They're all very qualified, all very capable. Let's take a deep breath and really deal with the fundamental issue of the president. He has got to go.

BLITZER: But don't you want a serious -- don't you want a serious debate between these Democratic presidential candidates to underscore where they agree and disagree with each other? Don't voters have a right to know that?

GARAMENDI: I'm quite sure you and other journalists would be more than capable of doing that. We just don't need to do it to each other.

BLITZER: So you think that Senator Kamala Harris was wrong in going after the former vice president like that?

GARAMENDI: I think the first debate was the kind of debate we ought to have, stay to the issues, talk about what you want to do. The second debate, Kamala wasn't the only person that was going after

the front-runner. I know how that works. I have been a front-runner. And I have also been number two and three in campaigns. I much prefer to talk about the things that I want to do, that I need to do.

And let's talk. If it's education and busing, recognize the fact that the federal government spends a whole heck of a lot more money on its nuclear bombs than it does on education.

So those are the kinds of things we ought to be talking about if we want to be president.

BLITZER: All right, let's move on.

What did you make of President Trump today joking with Vladimir Putin about Russian election interference over at the G20 summit?

GARAMENDI: You think this is a surprise?

This is the president of the United States that has continuously, from the very earliest parts of his campaign, kowtowed to Putin, has never held Russia accountable, has never taken the steps that a president must take to protect our democracy.

And I was even more concerned, or at least equally concerned, about the way in which he disrespected the fundamental role of the free press in our society and I think, jokingly, or maybe not, said, well, perhaps I could do better if I didn't have a free press.

BLITZER: Former President Jimmy Carter said today that President Trump's election in 2016 was illegitimate -- this is Jimmy Carter -- because of Russian interference.

Do you agree with Jimmy Carter?

GARAMENDI: I don't agree with the illegitimate part of it. He won. Did he won fair -- did he win fair and square? I don't think so. Clearly, had the help of the Russians. Was that collusion?

Well, the Mueller report said probably not. But we're going to hear from Mueller, and we're going to get into the details. Whether there's collusion or not, clearly, absolutely, the Russians were helping elect Donald Trump to the presidency. And, OK, he got the necessary electoral votes. He did have three million less votes across the nation than Hillary Clinton.

But we're not talking about legitimate or not. What we're talking about here is the 2020 election. And I am so disappointed, I am so disappointed in the president not standing up to Putin and say, get out, or else, just as Theresa May said.

BLITZER: Congressman John Garamendi, thanks so much for joining us.

GARAMENDI: Good to be with you.

