Congressman Andy Levin Votes to Increase Wages and Give 104,800 MI-09 Workers a Raise

Press Release

Vice chair of the House Education and Labor Committee Rep. Andy Levin today voted to increase the minimum wage, which has not been raised in more than a decade--the longest span of time without a minimum wage increase since it was established eight decades ago. The Raise the Wage Act, which passed the House 233-199, would gradually raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025 and give 104,800 workers in Michigan's 9th District a raise. Additionally, the Raise the Wage Act would give 33 million American workers a raise, lift 1.3 million Americans out of poverty and boost the economy by putting $92 billion into the pockets of workers.

"House Democrats promised to raise wages for Americans workers. Today, we delivered," Congressman Andy Levin said. "There is no place in America today where a full-time worker making the federal minimum wage can afford the basic essentials. Raising the minimum wage is essential to raising the standard of living for working people in America, and has been a priority of mine since day one in Congress. It's a monumental day for the House of Representatives, and I'm grateful for the hard work of Chairman Scott and Speaker Pelosi to get this legislation passed and show American workers that we have their backs."

Unlike the GOP tax cut, which overwhelmingly benefited corporations and the very wealthy, the Raise the Wage Act directly benefits low- and middle-income workers who are the engines of sustainable economic growth. Independent analysis indicates that the Raise the Wage Act would generate $92.4 billion in additional income for American workers over the phase-in period.

Congressman Levin is an original cosponsor of the Raise the Wage Act and advocated for its passage in the House Education and Labor Committee. Congressman Levin also worked to build support in the Democratic Caucus for the Raise the Wage Act.
