Hastings and Buchanan Honored by Humane Society for Work on Ending the Dog and Cat Meat Trade


Date: July 17, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) and Congressman Vern Buchanan (R-FL) released the following statement after being presented with an award by the Humane Society International and Humane Society Legislative Fund for their extraordinary work to end the dog and cat meat trade:

"We are truly honored to receive this recognition from the Humane Society International and Humane Society Legislative Fund, prominent organizations spearheading work in the U.S. and across the globe to promote animal welfare and end animal cruelty.

"In the 115th Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives took the lead on passing our legislation, H.Res.401, a bipartisan resolution affirming the commitment of the United States to the protection of animals around the world and urging all nations to condemn the slaughter, consumption, and trade of dog and cat meat. Additionally, our bipartisan domestic prohibition on the dog and cat meat trade was included in the Farm Bill and signed into law by the President in December 2018. In a huge step forward for animal welfare, the federal ban not only established a bright line rule, so that our animal cruelty laws now reflect our society's values, but also gave the United States greater standing to urge other countries to end their dog and cat meat trade. Last month, ahead of the 2019 Yulin Dog Meat Festival, we sent a letter urging Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to use diplomatic pressure to highlight the issue of the troubling trade and consumption of dog and cat meat and the need to condemn this harsh trade throughout the world, and specifically, in China, South Korea, Vietnam, and other Asian countries.

"Although the U.S. has banned this trade, the fact that millions of dogs and cats continue to be killed for human consumption each year across Asia underscores the work ahead. We are proud to champion the effort to end this harsh trade wherever it is found to occur, and will continue our steadfast advocacy for the humane treatment of these beloved animals."
