Harder Statement on Supreme Court Rulings on Census, Gerrymandering


Date: June 27, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Josh Harder (CA-10) released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court's rulings regarding adding a citizenship question to the Census and upholding partisan gerrymandering. It's unclear if the administration will have sufficient time to argue the case before Census forms are printed later this year, making it unlikely that the question will ultimately appear on the Census.


"I'm cautiously optimistic about the Census ruling. The stakes are very high for us -- adding this question could end up costing the Central Valley millions of dollars a year in lost federal investments for our roads, health care systems, and schools.

"The scheme to rig the census was cooked up by the same corrupt political insider who was called the Michelangelo of gerrymandering. It's a political move and for now, it seems that the Supreme Court has acknowledged that fact. I voted to stop this nonsense in Congress and I'll continue watching this case as it is argued in lower courts."


"Gerrymandering is a corrupt scheme to rig the democratic process. The Supreme Court has made a horrible decision allowing politicians to cheat and pick their voters. Congress should take action on this issue to protect our democracy. We passed a sweeping anti-corruption bill this year in the House, and Mitch McConnell and the Senate need to get off their hands and join us in our fight to clean up politics."
