Rep. Sherrill Condemns Administration's Attack on Affordable Care Act

Press Release

Date: July 9, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) condemned the administration's attack on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as oral arguments started today in a lawsuit before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Texas v. U.S. is meant to destroy the ACA and roll back health care coverage for more than 20 million Americans, including 27,000 residents in New Jersey's 11th Congressional District. Representative Sherrill supported efforts by the House of Representatives to join as a defendant in the suit and stand up for the ACA.

"This reckless lawsuit puts the health of millions of Americans at risk. Protections for people with pre-existing conditions, expanded coverage for young adults, and every other benefit the ACA provides will disappear if the administration has their way," said Representative Sherrill.

"It is crucial we continue to defend and improve upon the ACA. I am proud to have voted five times to strengthen the Affordable Care Act, and I will keep fighting to protect the 300,000 people in my district with pre-existing conditions and all New Jerseyans who depend on the ACA to keep their families healthy and safe."

In the past six months, Representative Sherrill voted for five bills to lower the cost of prescription drugs and five bills to strengthen the Affordable Care Act that passed in the House of Representatives. The first substantive measure Representative Sherrill voted for as a member of the House was to grant the authority to the House to intervene in litigation to protect the ACA.
