Iraqi Special Tribunal House Resolution

Date: Nov. 9, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

IRAQI SPECIAL TRIBUNAL HOUSE RESOLUTION -- (House of Representatives - November 09, 2005)

(Mr. BURGESS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, the path to a free and democratic Iraq has been dangerous and protracted. Yet, after years of oppression, the Iraqis are closer than ever to having a nation ruled by their people instead of a tyrant.

For the safety of our Nation, I believe we must continue to support the sovereign actions of this developing nation.

Current news headlines are showcasing the trial of Saddam Hussein and what danger accompanies that activity. His trial is important, but a strong, independent Iraqi judicial system is of greater importance.

As Members of Congress, we have an obligation to uphold and support this principle, especially in a land that has been so tormented. The Iraqi Special Tribunal has been impaneled to bring swift and impartial justice to both the victims and the nation of Iraq. I urge Members to support H.R. 534, recognizing the importance and credibility of an independent Iraqi judiciary.
