Ranking Member Hern Emphasizes the Importance of Accurate Census Data for Small Businesses


Date: June 20, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the House Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access heard from a panel of experts on how accurate and up-to-date census data plays a vital role in strategic decisions for small businesses.

"This country thrives on its ability to support and encourage people to pursue their passion and to strike out on their own, and today there are more than 28 million small business in the United States driving the economy," said Ranking Member Kevin Hern (R-OK). "An entrepreneur will want to understand who their target customer might be, who their competitors are, and if there's an actual need for their anticipated product or service. Answering these threshold questions through market research forms the groundwork for a successful business plan and may be critical to additional steps along the way, such as obtaining financing from a bank... This crucial information can be obtained through data collected by the census."
