House Approved Bost Amendment on Illegal Foreign Steel Imports


Date: June 20, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

The House of Representatives today unanimously approved an amendment offered by U.S. Rep. Mike Bost (IL-12) that will better help protect domestic manufacturers and workers from illegally dumped steel and other subsidized foreign imports. The amendment increases funding for trade Enforcement and Compliance at the U.S. Department of Commerce.

"American workers can outperform any foreign competitor in any industry when the playing field is leveled and the rules are respected," said Bost. "Unfortunately, foreign competitors like China continue to illegally dump and subsidize their products at our expense. Our trade remedy laws are one of the most important tools we have to ensure fairness for U.S. workers in the global marketplace."

"Sufficient funding of the ITA's Enforcement and Compliance Office is essential to enforcing trade remedy laws, processing trade cases and monitoring the foreign imports flooding the market," said American Iron and Steel Institute President and CEO Thomas J. Gibson. "The steel industry thanks Congressman Bost for his continued efforts to ensure a fair and level playing field for domestic steel producers."

Bost's effort was backed by organizations representing steel producers and other manufacturers, including AISI, the Steel Manufacturers Association and the American Manufacturing Alliance. U.S. Steel's Granite City Works facility has benefited from a number of antidumping and countervailing duty trade remedies, which were an important part of that company's decision to restart operations and hire 800 workers.
