Reschenthaler's Statement on His Vote Against House Democrats' Latest Attack on President Trump


Date: June 11, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections

Today, Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14) released the following statement on his vote against House Democrats' latest attack on President Trump, despite the Mueller report's finding that there was no collusion with Russia:

"House Democrats just can't accept the fact that Donald Trump won the 2016 election," said Reschenthaler. "The White House, Attorney General Barr, and the Department of Justice have been more than accommodating to Chairman Nadler's requests, but it seems that Democratic leadership has decided to turn their oversight responsibility into a mock-impeachment. Their lack of a legislative agenda continues to prove they are only interested in harassing the President. I hope we can move on and solve the real problems facing hardworking Americans across our nation."

H.Res. 430 provides the House Judiciary Committee the authority to initiate civil proceedings to enforce subpoenas issued to Attorney General William Barr and former White House Counsel Donald McGahn. This is more than five times faster than the previous two times the House sought civil enforcement of a subpoena.

Further, H.Res. 430 also allows the committee to petition for the disclosure of grand jury information, which is currently protected from disclosure under federal law.

This resolution effectively allows the House to go to court for contempt without first exercising all of its available options to get information.
