Rep. Schrader Votes to Support Dreamers

Press Release

Date: June 4, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Congressman Kurt Schrader (OR-05) voted today to give Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, also known as Dreamers, a pathway to citizenship and access to higher education benefits. HR 6, American Dream and Promise Act passed in the House with bipartisan support.

"These young folks have bright futures ahead, and it remains my mission to ensure every Dreamer in this country has the opportunity to fulfill his or her dreams here at home," said Rep. Schrader. "Dreamers are as American as you or I and I'm very pleased that Congress took action today. I strongly encourage my colleagues in the Senate to take up this long overdue legislation. We cannot afford to lose these talented folks who have been educated in America, built businesses in America, and have contributed to the ongoing innovation and greatness of America. Ensuring a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers is not only the right thing to do, it is the smart thing to do."

Over the past three years, the Trump Administration has held DACA recipients in legal limbo, following the announcement of tentative plans to eventually end the program. There are over 800,000 Dreamers in the United States with 11,000 in the state of Oregon. Estimates show that over $605 million in gross state product (GSP) would be lost in Oregon if Dreamers are removed from the state's workforce. In the 5th District, there are over 6,000 Dreamers who contribute over $22 million in state and local taxes annually. Reports estimate that they have a combined spending power of $193,230,000 in the 5th District of Oregon alone.

Throughout the last Congress, since the Trump Administration announced plans to end the DACA program, Congressman Schrader has been sharing the stories of Oregon Dreamers on the House floor. Listen to the stories of these courageous Oregonians below:

[VIDEO] Marco's Story: a Portland Dreamer, Bachelor's Degree holder in Accounting, and accountant for an Oregon non-profit that benefits youth.

[VIDEO] Hugo's Story: a Salem Dreamer, company commander of high school JROTC, Salem "Youth of the Year" recipient, and University of Oregon Economics degree holder.

[VIDEO] Priscila's Story: a Salem Dreamer, Oregon State University Human Development & Family Sciences major, and aspiring guidance counselor for South Salem High School.

[VIDEO] Juan's Story: a Monmouth Dreamer, research patient with Cerebral Palsy at Shriners Hospital, Western Oregon University graduate, and current graduate student at Oregon State University. Juan was Congressman Schrader's guest to the State of the Union speech in 2018.

[VIDEO] Diana's Story: a Portland Dreamer, National Honor Society member, and honors graduate of Benson Polytechnic High School.

[VIDEO] Aldo's Story: a Woodburn Dreamer, Portland State University student, and public health advocate.

[VIDEO] Leo's Story: a Salem Dreamer, full-time senior citizen and disabilities care worker, and co-founder of the Oregon DACA Coalition.
