Inslee signs package of education bills, ushers in one of the most progressive education investments nationwide

Press Release

Gov. Jay Inslee signed a major education bill Tuesday that establishes one of the most progressive higher education investments in the country. The Workforce Education Investment Act is a comprehensive package of a number of major proposals that include two governor-priority policies.

The act guarantees financial aid for more than 110,000 qualified students in Washington to attend college for free or at a discounted rate. The law also expands the governor's Career-Connected Initiative. It establishes a study-and-work approach so students can get real life work experience and high school or college credit at the same time.

"Washington is ahead of the nation both in providing unprecedented access to the opportunity to get a degree, certificate or apprenticeship qualification, and in creating innovative programs to connect students with work experience," Inslee said. "We are leading the nation with our financial aid program and we're securing quality education in a bipartisan way."

Read the rest of the story on the governor's Medium page.
