Ron Wright Files H.R. 2046 The Energy Diplomacy Act


Date: June 4, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Representative Ron Wright (R-TX), along with Ranking Member Mike McCaul (R-TX) and Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX), introduced H.R. 2046, the Energy Diplomacy Act. This bipartisan legislation empowers the State Department's energy security and diplomacy efforts by replacing the Coordinator for International Energy Affairs with a Senate-confirmed Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources.

The Energy Diplomacy Act ensures that the national security implications of global energy developments are reflected in the State Department's decision-making processes. H.R. 2046 also supports the development and distribution of our energy resources for the benefit of the United States, our allies and our trading partners. Finally, the bill promotes the availability of diversified energy supplies worldwide and a well-functioning global market for energy resources, technologies, and expertise.

Following introduction of the bill, the sponsors made the following statements:

Rep. Ron Wright (TX-06): "Energy security has transformed into a matter of national security. The consequences of Russia being able to use its energy resources to manipulate our EU and NATO allies would be catastrophic in the event of a conflict. As the world's top producer of petroleum and natural gas, we are in a unique position to aid our allies and its critical that our State Department has the resources and mandate required to tackle these challenges."

House Foreign Affairs Lead Republican Michael McCaul (TX-10): "In order to advance a wellfunctioning global energy market with diversified energy sources, we need our diplomats on the front lines promoting American energy interests. America's energy security and diplomacy priorities are enhanced with this bill and it also ensures a properly resourced State Department to best protect American interests abroad. As energy-rich adversaries such as Russia, Venezuela and Iran consistently exploit vulnerabilities, the U.S. must step up to advance a bold U.S. energy diplomacy. I applaud my fellow Texan Congressman Wright for championing the Energy Diplomacy Act and look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass this legislation."

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15): "Energy security is a key component of our foreign policy agenda. With our country's wealth of resources and expertise, the State Department must play an increasingly important role in global energy security and development. I am proud to join fellow Texans, Ranking Member Michael McCaul and Congressman Ron Wright, to introduce the Energy Diplomacy Act and enhance the State Department's capacity to promote energy security, development, and distribution across the world."
