Issue Position: National Service

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2019

John Delaney is running for president to bring the country together and implement policies that work towards the common good.

To help bring people from different backgrounds together, he is proposing a national service program to provide opportunities for young people to give back to their country and to meet and work with people from all backgrounds.

Young people would have four options to participate in national service:

Military service
Community service
Infrastructure apprenticeships
Climate Corps
The program would create three new ways for young people to serve their country, in addition to military service, which would continue as it exists for those choosing to serve their country in uniform.

Community Service
Community Service would operate similarly to AmeriCorps or The Peace Corps.
An example of community service could include a Generations United plan which partners the volunteers with the elderly to teach technological proficiency.
Infrastructure Apprenticeships
The government would enter into public/private partnerships with private companies and trade unions to offer infrastructure apprenticeships.
Private companies would be awarded contracts to undertake projects such as improving public parks or renovating federal buildings to make them environmentally green.
Trade unions will be utilized as the programs can leverage the successful apprenticeship model used by the trade unions.
Those who complete the apprenticeships would receive a professional certificate proving mastery of particular skill sets.
To implement infrastructure apprenticeships, all federal contractors would be required to design and implement an apprentice program

Encourage other companies to do their patriotic duty and follow suit, perhaps using a model that's been tremendously successful in Switzerland, where companies pay students to work as part-time apprentices
Climate Corps
To fight climate change, volunteers would assist in clean energy projects, including solar installation, improving building efficiency, developing community gardens, and increasing awareness about sustainable practices
Provide information and support to families about sustainability, energy efficiency, and renewable energy
Volunteers would be stationed in rural and low-income areas to assist communities' transition to a green economy and invest in environmentally friendly projects
Learn skills to be used for future jobs
Brings people together
Boost for local infrastructure, conservation, and community projects
Sense of service and patriotism
Incentives for young people to sign up
People who complete the program will receive a National Service Scholarship.
The program would be marketed to high school graduates as an opportunity to serve their country, travel, and get paid while learning a skill.
