Equality Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 17, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, as a proud member of the LGBTQ Equality Caucus, I rise in strong support of the Equality Act, a bill championed by my good friend and fellow Rhode Islander, Congressman David Cicilline.

Mr. Speaker, every person deserves to be treated equally, no matter who they are or whom they choose to love. But the simple fact of the matter is that LGBT Americans face discrimination in this country every day, whether it is in the workplace, the foster care system or the housing market.

Mr. Speaker, discrimination is never justified, and we cannot let it stand. As a person who lives with a disability, I know what discrimination feels like. I have experienced discrimination many times in my life. I don't like it when it happens to me, and I don't want it to be experienced by anyone else. It is just plain wrong.

So, Mr. Speaker, let's celebrate our diversity by promoting a culture of tolerance, inclusion, and acceptance, instead of one of fear and hate. Let's treat LGBT people with the dignity and respect that they deserve. Let's honor the strength and the courage of the LGBT people throughout history, and let's pass the Equality Act to forever secure the civil rights of members of the LGBT community.

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague, Congressman Cicilline, for his leadership on this issue.

