Save the Internet Act of 2019

Floor Speech

Date: April 10, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Chair, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding.

It is interesting to hear my good friend talk about 5G. When the majority talks about government control of the internet, they should turn their eyes to the White House and the President's plan to nationalize 5G.

The only socialist plan to take over the internet is the one coming from the Trump administration and their plan to nationalize 5G. I have documents for the Record talking about numerous articles where the Trump administration proposes to nationalize 5G, and the plan coming from the administration to secure 5G.

The gentleman keeps saying that this bill is a government takeover of the internet, but the only government takeover I see is the one that the White House keeps proposing.

Now, the amendment that is before us would ask the GAO to examine how the FCC assesses competition, including making recommendations on how to improve their assessment and how to increase competition in these vital markets. This is a key question for so many consumer protections online, not just net neutrality.

This bill is about consumers, small business, and democratic values like competition. This is a good amendment. I support this amendment, and I urge all of my colleagues to support it as well.

