Vote on Born-Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act

Floor Speech

Date: April 4, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction


Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Madam Speaker, on Tuesday, I signed the discharge petition to force a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. 193 Members, including two Democrats, have already signed it. A discharge petition has not received such overwhelming support in the first 24 hours in at least 22 years.

I applaud Congresswoman Ann Wagner for reintroducing this bill and Republican Whip Steve Scalise for filing the discharge petition.

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require that a child who is born alive after an attempted abortion receives treatment and be transferred to a hospital. This legislation penalizes the intentional killing of a child who is born alive.

Unfortunately, we have seen horrific actions in New York and Virginia to allow late-term abortion. It is, essentially, the execution of a defenseless child after birth.

Madam Speaker, this isn't abortion; this is infanticide. Any doctor who would leave a child to die should face the full extent of the law.

Americans deserve to know whether their Representatives stand against infanticide or not. I urge the House to act on this bill. I urge us to choose life over murder.

