Congressman Morelle Cosponsors Legislation to Strengthen Women's Reproductive Health Rights


Date: March 12, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction

Today, Congressman Joe Morelle joined colleagues in the House to introduce legislation that strengthens women's reproductive health rights and ensures every woman has access to the care she needs, regardless of income. The EACH Woman Act, which he co-sponsors, would reverse the Hyde amendment so that women who rely on Medicaid for healthcare coverage can access critical family planning services.

"A woman's healthcare decision should be between her and her doctor, not dictated by politicians," said Rep. Morelle. "I will always stand up to protect the essential right of every woman to choose no matter where she lives or what her income is. That's why I'm so proud to join my colleagues in co-sponsoring this important legislation that will help break down barriers and ensure all women have the reproductive care they need and deserve."

The EACH Woman Act reverses the Hyde Amendment, which currently restricts abortion services for those covered by Medicaid or utilizing other government-funded agencies for care. The legislation sets new standards for reproductive health that ensure all women can access family planning services, whether they have private or government-funded health insurance.

Furthermore, the legislation prohibits political interference in decisions made by private health insurance companies that seek to prevent these companies from providing abortions.

"This legislation helps to level the playing field so that income or lack of coverage will not stand in the way of a woman making the best decision for her and her family," concluded Rep. Morelle.
