Dr. Bucshon's Response to President Trumps State of the Union 2019

Press Release

Date: Feb. 5, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) responded to President Trump's State of the Union, applauding a year of accomplishments and focusing on coming together.

In a video posted shortly after the address Dr. Bucshon said, "I stand ready to work with President Trump and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make the tough decisions needed to help all Americans in the pursuit of their version of the American dream."

"Tonight, President Trump reflected on the successes of the past year and laid out his bold vision to move the nation forward. Looking back, President Trump outlined how the pro-growth economic agenda that he and Republicans in Congress worked to implement has unleashed the power of Main Street job creators and resulted in Americans going back to work, wages rising for the first time in a decade, and growing opportunities for all.

However, as President Trump emphasized, our focus must be on the future. We must come together as a nation and close the divides in our society. In Congress, Democrats and Republicans must put aside the hostility and come together to pass commonsense solutions that President Trump can sign.

There is no doubt, the issues in front of us aren't easy. We know that our nation's legal immigration system is broken, but that we can fix it by securing our border and reforming the legal immigration process. We must also make long-term investments in order to bring our crumbling roads, bridges, and other critical infrastructure into the 21st century. And, with costs continuing to skyrocket for families, we know that we must reform our health care system to ensure Americans have greater access to health care plans that best fit their needs and their budget.

I stand ready to work with President Trump and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make the tough decisions needed to help all Americans in the pursuit of their version of the American dream.

Thank you and God Bless."
