Termination of National Emergency Declared By the President on February 2019--Veto Message From the President of the United States

Floor Speech

Date: March 26, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. BARRAGAN. Madam Speaker, my colleague on the other side of the aisle said this was a partisan whack job.

Yet, Congress has come together, which is rare to see these days, on a bipartisan basis, in the House and in the Senate, to vote to terminate this alleged crisis that is happening at the border.

This is a constitutional issue. This is about the separation of powers. This is about Congress' ability to appropriate money and the President saying he wants something, Congress doesn't give it to him, and him going around Congress.

Again, this is not a partisan issue. This should not be a partisan issue.

My Republican colleague in the Senate said: Never has a President asked for funding and then had Congress not provide the funding, just to have the President come right back to use the National Emergencies Act to get around Congress.

This is a dangerous precedent. This is not a messaging vote.

Again, on the House and on the Senate side, on a bipartisan basis, our colleagues are arguing today that we should stand with the President.

I urge my colleagues: Stand with the Constitution. Stand with the Constitution. Let's override this veto.

A wall will not stop the drugs that are coming in, the majority, through the ports of entry; a wall will not stop migrants who are coming to present themselves for asylum, legally, at the ports of entry; and a wall will not stop the inhumane treatment that migrants are receiving at the ports of entry.

Let's work together on a comprehensive immigration bill. Let's work together to address this problem, not to fund a wall against the will of Congress which is being done on a bipartisan and a bicameral basis.

