Moolenaar Votes to Protect Second Amendment Rights of Americans


Date: Feb. 28, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

Today, House Democrats passed legislation that would curtail the Second Amendment rights of Americans.

Currently, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) runs a background check on every commercial gun purchase. After three calendar days, if the seller has not received a response from NICS, the seller is allowed, but not required, to sell the gun to the purchaser.

The legislation passed by Democrats today would create additional delays for law-abiding Americans to purchase a gun by allowing the initial review to go from three calendar days to 10 business days.

Then, if there is no response after 10 days, the purchaser would have to petition the FBI for another review, which could take an additional ten business days.

In some cases, the total number of business days would create delays of more than a month.

Congressman John Moolenaar voted against the legislation:

"Last year, I supported a new law to help fix the national background check system with more funding so states could update the system with timely information and keep guns out of the hands of people who are already prohibited from owning them. I voted against today's legislation because it would presume all gun owners are guilty and create unfair delays for law-abiding Michigan residents who want to purchase a gun and exercise their Second Amendment rights."
