Rep. Rice Applauds President Trump's State of the Union Address

Press Release

By: Tom Rice
By: Tom Rice
Date: Feb. 5, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tom Rice (R-S.C.) released the following statement applauding President Trump's State of the Union Address.

"Thanks to President Trump's leadership on pro-growth tax, trade, and regulatory reform our economy is reinvigorated and creating opportunities for people who have been left behind. From record low unemployment and record high business confidence to the strongest wage growth in ten years, we have seen the results of policies that put Americans first. In Marion County, South Carolina, the unemployment rate has essentially been cut in half since President Trump took office, hitting a 30-year low in May. This is just one example of how these policies have restored opportunity and renewed hope for a more prosperous future" said Congressman Rice."Tonight, the President laid out a policy vision that will build on these accomplishments and asked Democrats to reject the politics of resistance so that we can move our country forward. He called on Congress to focus on priorities such as investing in infrastructure, lowering prescription drug prices, and reforming our immigration system. I remain committed to delivering on this agenda so that we can unleash our full potential and create American opportunity for generations to come."
