Johnson Statement on Government Funding and Border Security Package


Date: Feb. 14, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

The bipartisan budget agreement the House just voted on isn't perfect -- far from it -- but, it moves the ball forward on addressing the national security crisis at our southern border while avoiding a second partial government shutdown. And, it also provides the Department of Homeland Security and our ICE agents with the critical flexibility needed to ensure illegal immigrant felons remain detained. I voted yes.

Every single mile of a wall, fence, or barrier (whatever term you prefer) that goes up increases our border security. I supported the President's request for more wall funding, and I believe more money should have been allocated for America's security. I'm disappointed Democrats can't see the wisdom in that. But, I believe President Trump will be able to get the funding he needs to fulfill one of his main campaign promises to the American people - to secure our border.

Additionally, this bill provides critical funding for expanding our rural broadband infrastructure and telemedicine capabilities...both critical needs for Eastern and Southeastern Ohio. It also includes language that I offered as an amendment last year to ensure Ohio continues to receive funding to help reclaim abandoned mine lands in conjunction with economic and community development and reuse goals.

As I have previously said, I support declaring a national emergency on the southern border -- because there is a national security crisis there -- and, I will continue to strongly back the President's effort to secure the border and reform our broken immigration system.
