Buchanan, Schakowsky Introduce Bill to Ban Horse Slaughter


Date: Jan. 30, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Reps. Vern Buchanan and Jan Schakowsky today introduced legislation to permanently ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption. The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act would also prohibit the export of live horses to Mexican and Canadian slaughterhouses to be sold overseas.

"The slaughter of horses for consumption is a barbaric practice that has no place in America," Buchanan said. "I will continue to lead the effort with Congresswoman Schakowsky to ban domestic horse slaughter and end the export of horses abroad for the same purpose."

"Horses have a special place in our nation's history, and these majestic creatures were not raised as food for humans," Schakowsky said. "The SAFE Act would prohibit any horse slaughter plant from opening; and also end the sale or transport of horses and horse parts in the U.S. and abroad for the purpose of human consumption. I am proud to reintroduce this bill and work with Congressman Buchanan to put an end to this practice."

Although the practice is currently illegal in the United States, the ban is temporary and subject to annual congressional review. Last year, Buchanan was instrumental in extending the temporary prohibition which was signed into law by President Trump. No federal law exists to prohibit the transport of horses across American borders for slaughter in Canada or Mexico.

More than 100,000 American horses are exported to Canadian and Mexican slaughterhouses each year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Those horses are butchered and then transported overseas for consumption in Japan, Italy and other countries. More than 90 percent of these horses were healthy and in good condition.

Buchanan chairs the Animal Protection Caucus in Congress and received an A rating from the Humane Society for his leadership and votes in 2018. He is also a past recipient of the Humane Society's "Legislator of the Year" award.

The SAFE Act has been endorsed by the Humane Society, the Animal Welfare Institute, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Return to Freedom and Animal Wellness Action.

Nancy Perry, senior vice president of ASPCA Government Relations, stated, "The vast majority of Americans oppose the brutal practice of horse slaughter, and we are grateful to Representatives Schakowsky and Buchanan for their steadfast commitment to ending this greed-driven cruelty to our horses."

Sara Amundson, Humane Society Legislative Fund president, said, "We commend Representatives Schakowsky and Buchanan for their leadership in introducing the SAFE Act, which not only protects horses from the inhumane practices of slaughter, but also protects unsuspecting consumers from horse meat tainted with dangerous drugs that are not fit for human consumption."

Cathy Liss, Animal Welfare Institute president, said, "Congresswoman Schakowsky and Congressman Buchanan are both tremendous champions for animal welfare. Americans across the political spectrum want to see these noble animals protected from needless, gruesome and inhumane deaths. The SAFE Act would put a stop to the predatory and unsafe horse slaughter industry that butchers these animals for food."

Holly Gann, Animal Wellness Action director of Federal Affairs, said, "During an era of political division, one issue that the vast majority of Americans agree on is that our horses must be protected from being cruelly slaughtered for human consumption. Throughout history, horses have been our companions and partners in work and sport -- to slaughter them is the ultimate betrayal of our relationship with this American icon."
