Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Confirmation of Andrew Wheeler to Lead the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


By: Ted Cruz
By: Ted Cruz
Date: Feb. 28, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement after voting to confirm Andrew Wheeler, nominated by President Trump, to be the new EPA Administrator:

"I am pleased the Senate voted to confirm Andrew Wheeler to be the next EPA Administrator. During his time at the EPA, Andrew has displayed a strong commitment to protecting the environment, while also providing businesses, local governments, and landowners greater certainty in the EPA's programs through the agency's deregulatory actions. This translates to billions of dollars in savings in regulatory costs for Americans across the country.

"Over the course of the advice and consent process, I also appreciated his understanding of the plight of refinery workers facing crushing and volatile RINs prices under the Renewable Fuel Standard, and his ongoing dedication to finding a win-win solution that would help both corn farmers and refinery workers.

"Specifically, I look forward to working together to continue Small Refinery Exemptions, consistent with federal law and recent court decisions, and to reset the statutory conventional biofuel volume at a level that is aligned with market realities and does not exceed 15 billion gallons. I also look forward to working with him to insure against the retroactive reallocation of previously waived volumes of biofuels and to implement common sense RIN market reforms that will combat destructive market manipulation and speculation."
