Loebsack Supports Bill to Ensure Veterans Have Access to Child Care During VA Appointments


Date: Feb. 8, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Dave Loebsack released the following statement today after the House passed HR 840, The Veterans' Access to Child Care Act. This legislation will make permanent, and expand, the VA's Child Care Pilot Program to ensure our veterans have access to convenient, safe and cost-free child care when they have VA medical appointments, including mental healthcare appointments. The pilot program was established in 2010 at four VA facilities. From FY2015 through FY2018, more than 13,000 veterans with children have used the program. Currently, women veterans are the fastest growing population of veterans and 42 percent of the women seeking care at the VA have said it is hard to find child care to attend medical appointments.

"I am very pleased that Congress is acting to ensure our veterans have the support they need to successfully transfer from the military to civilian life. It is very important that we not allow anything to stand in the way of our veterans receiving the care and benefits they earned and deserve," said Loebsack. "As a military parent, I know firsthand how difficult it can be for service members to obtain safe, reliable child care. As service members transition to civilian life, we cannot allow access to child care be an impediment to them seeking the medical services they need. I am especially pleased that this legislation includes assistance for veterans receiving mental healthcare services, including readjustment counseling, substance abuse counseling, and emergency mental health services for individuals in crisis. I strongly encourage the Senate to swiftly consider and pass this legislation, so our veterans have a convenient, safe, and cost-free option for child care when they have VA medical appointments."
