Curtis Assigned to Asia & Western Hemisphere Foreign Affairs Subcommittees

Press Release

Date: Jan. 30, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman John Curtis (R-UT) released the following statement after receiving his House Foreign Affairs Committee subcommittee assignments.

"I am honored to remain on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and to be serving on two very important subcommittees: "Asia, the Pacific and Nonproliferation' and "Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security and Trade,'" said Curtis. "Central to these assignments will be working on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, pushing back on Chinese unfair trade practices and theft of American intellectual property, supporting democratic institutions in South America--including Venezuela--and the modernization and improvement of NAFTA and other trade agreements."


The Foreign Affairs Committee has significant responsibility for the nation's foreign policy and diplomatic efforts around the world. The Committee includes oversight of the US Department of State, American embassies and diplomats, and US foreign humanitarian aid and investment. For more info, click here.

Noteworthy: Rep. Curtis is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
