Protect Born-Alive Children

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 13, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction


Mr. SPANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to enthusiastically support Congresswoman Wagner's born-alive bill, a bill that would protect children born after a failed abortion from further attempts on their lives.

This is not a liberal or conservative issue. This is not a Democratic or Republican issue. This is not a political issue, even. It is a moral issue, and moral issues have a way of being undeniable.

It is a universal truth that laws protect the living; and while many of us cannot agree when life begins, I am confident that everyone in this House would agree that life begins at least at birth. More importantly, I am confident that the vast majority of the American people would agree that a child born alive is, in fact, alive.

I understand there may be attempts to prevent a vote on this bill to protect Members who are against the born-alive bill, but, no, it is impossible to protect politicians from the moral convictions of the American people, and history is unkind to those who try.

I urge Members from both parties to see the born-alive bill as an opportunity to foster bipartisanship in this House.

Supporting this bill does not make you antiabortion or against a woman's right to choose; it simply ensures that laws already in place are enforced to protect the most vulnerable among us.

