Congressman Wilson Leads Military School Choice


Date: Jan. 24, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) introduced legislation to support school choice for children of active duty members in the United States Armed Forces (H.R. 740):

"Our brave women and men in uniform fight on the front lines for our freedom. Not only are we grateful to our heroes, but also to their families for their service. The average child in a military family moves six to nine times in his or her school career. Because of frequent moves and a lack of school choice, children in military families feel the negative impact," said Wilson. "This is why I introduced the Military Child Educational Freedom Act today. Specifically, this legislation allows Coverdell Education Savings Accounts to be used on home school educational expenses. It is our duty to expand opportunities for the education of our heroes' children and offer these families the support they deserve."

"I commend Congressman Wilson on introducing the Military Child Educational Freedom Act which supports school choice opportunities for our nation's military and military connected families by providing them with much needed financial assistance. Every parent should be empowered to make decisions in the best interest of their children and this bill will help ensure military connected students have the resources needed to be successful," said South Carolina Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman.

"Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) strongly supports Congressman Joe Wilson's legislation to support military families who homeschool their children. Our nation's war fighters make sacrifices on behalf of their fellow Americans every day. A growing number of them are also making the choice to homeschool; these families deserve the same financial break as their public and private school peers. The Military Child Educational Freedom Act expands the use of Coverdell Education Savings Accounts to military families who homeschool, making it easier for them to use more of their own money for educational expenses. HSLDA urges Congress to pass this commonsense bill and help our military families," said James R. Mason, VP of Litigation for HSLDA.

"The South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS) commends Congressman Joe Wilson for his continued and unyielding support of both homeschooling and military families. This bill supports parental rights in education and extends that in a very practical way to military families who choose to homeschool, by allowing them to save their own money for use in Coverdell Savings Accounts. Homeschooling is an excellent educational option for military families and this bill makes that choice more accessible," said SCAIHS.
