Bustos Sworn in for Fourth House Term


Date: Jan. 3, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) was sworn in for her fourth term in the House of Representatives. In the 116th Congress, she will continue to be a strong voice for Illinois' 17th Congressional District -- fighting to bring down the cost of health care, invest in our aging infrastructure and make government work for the people again.

Congresswoman Bustos was also elected by her colleagues to serve in House Democratic Leadership. In this role, she will serve as the only elected member of Democratic Leadership from the Midwest -- bringing concerns of Heartland families to the table every single day.

"Despite the challenges we face, families across our region never give up -- and they deserve representation in Washington that works just as hard to get results," Congresswoman Bustos said. "That's what I've always strived to do for our Congressional District -- raising the concerns I hear in supermarkets across Illinois and working with both parties to get the job done for our families.

"With the new House Democratic majority, I'm hopeful that Congress will finally work for the people again -- because there can't be one set of rules for Washington and another for working families. That's why our top priorities will be passing legislation to bring down the cost of health care, to invest in our infrastructure and to drive out the rampant corruption that all too often poisons our politics. The American people spoke clearly that politics as usual cannot stand -- and I'll work every day to keep the promises made to families across our region."
