Davis Delivers Second Farm Bill for Illinois Farmers


U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) today released this statement after the House passed the 2018 farm bill. This will be the second farm bill Davis has delivered for 13th District farmers. He served on the conference committee for both the 2014 and 2018 farm bills.

"Getting a farm bill across the finish line this year for our farmers has always been my goal and I'm glad we are going to deliver," said Davis. "This bill maintains programs critical for Central Illinois farmers, strengthens agricultural research, and improves protections for organic products. We've written a strong bill for our farmers, but 80 percent of this bill is SNAP. While there is a slight increase in employment and training, not every able-bodied adult will have access to this job training program like they would have under the House bill. This is a missed opportunity, and if our economy is going to continue grow, we're going to need to fill the jobs that are open. I hope Democrats in the House will set the election aside and make this a priority next year."

"Illinois Farm Bureau appreciates the opportunities Congressman Davis created for our members to provide input into this farm bill. We appreciate his leadership and effort. He listened to us and made it a better bill. This conference report will help farmers across Illinois at a time of declining market opportunities combined with price uncertainty," said Illinois Farm Bureau President Richard Guebert.

Davis spoke on the House floor in support of the 2018 farm bill. Click here to watch.

Davis fought to include many priorities for the 13th District. Highlights include:

-Protects crop insurance, which is a critical tool for 13th District farmers.

-Maintains flexibility for commodity protection programs (ARC and PLC). Davis fought to ensure farmers can choose between these programs in both the 2014 and 2018 farm bills.

-Consumer demand for organic products continues to increase and this bill makes positive changes to support organic products by placing higher scrutiny on organic imports, helping farmers who seek organic certification, and increasing funding for organic research.

-The 2018 farm bill strengthens agricultural research. It includes Davis' bill (H.R. 5071, the Agricultural Research Advisory Board Improvement Act) to ensure USDA's research focuses on agriculture's most needed priorities and helps universities, like the University of Illinois, Illinois State University, and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, continue important research.

-The bill authorizes $350 million per year for loans and grants for rural broadband. It also ensures access to broadband that meets minimum requirements for today's technological age.

-Provides flexibility to the administration to prevent the abuse of state waivers to exempt work requirements and a $14 million per year increase to employment and training programs within SNAP.

-Increases funding for local food banks through the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) by $206 Million over 10 years.
