Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Education

I'm 100% against common core.

I do not believe the federal government should play a role in our state education policy. Education is near and dear to my heart. As a student of both public and private school education, I have had the unique perspective of experiencing both. Since 1978, Michigan student enrollment is down 25 percent. This is due to increased private education enrollment and the loss of approximately 1.5 million people due to the loss of manufacturing jobs.

Currently Michigan public education students perform among the bottom ten states in grades and key subjects. Even worse, we are dead last in terms of proficiency growth.

This is unacceptable.

At the same time, we have increased public education spending to historic levels and are spending more than most states. Something is very wrong with education in our great state. More money is obviously not the solution. I believe we need drastic change. We owe it to our children and OUR future (because they are OUR future).

I call it the "backpack full of cash" solution. Imagine if families could CHOOSE the best available education for their kids. Public schools, Charter schools or Private schools. Let's try it for ten years! What have we got to lose? If our student's grades and proficiency don't significantly improve, we can scrap Schools of Choice and try something else.
