Issue Position: New Hampshire's Future

Issue Position

John and I have 4 grown children between us and 8 grandchildren ranging from college-age to pre-school. My husband served as a US air force captain flying on F111's, and my dad was a WWII and Korean War veteran with 20 years of service in the Navy. John's two eldest children served as Air Force officers, as well. We understand US values and US history and we are concerned with the regressive movement that has co-opted our political system. We're witnessing the erosion of long-tested American principles that strengthen democratic liberty and the happiness of personal freedoms.

Seeing current legislatures around the nation presenting bill after bill to prevent women's legal access to reproductive healthcare is incredibly disappointing. Its a stab at modernity, ignoring the facts that access to birth control and sex education lower abortion rates because the current laws work. Why would we prefer to see women go back to desperation and quackery? This constant assault on women's rights to make their own decisions on such personal matters is ideological; it betrays a regressive longing to put women back in their place and recreate problems that were fixed by Roe v. Wade. The founders designed the separation of church and state with good reason, and yet there is a major push to redefine us as nation governed by the religious right. Religious freedom is a right, but imposing one religious view on everyone is unAmerican. Women can be trusted to make their own healthcare decisions.

We're having a similar rebound on race relations. Hate crimes are up. People who have felt part of America for decades, and are citizens who love this country, are being victimized because of how they look. This turning of our culture away from acceptance of new citizens is unAmerican. We are a nation of immigrants. It is easy to sow seeds of hate. But hatred can never lead to a world in which we can be proud of our legacy.

We cannot create a bright future if we keep entrusting decisions to those whose only vision is of a past that is gone. The future may be scary, but electing representatives with good judgment, good sense and personal integrity can set us on a course that helps our kids feel more secure about the world we are leaving them. I believe it is our duty to set an example, tackle the real issues, and stop playing politics with people's lives.

I am not expecting to change the world by becoming your state representative. But I do expect to propose and help pass laws for New Hampshire that help you and your family love the place you live.

I hope I can count on your support on November 6th!
