Sens. Warren, Markey and Rep. Lynch Introduce Concurrent Resolution to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League

Press Release

United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Edward Markey (D-Mass.), along with Representative Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.), introduced a Concurrent Resolution on Thursday, November 23, 2018 honoring women in baseball. The Concurrent Resolution commemorates the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL) of "A League of Their Own" fame. The resolution names the at least 29 women from Massachusetts who played in the AAGPBL and also gives a brief congratulations to one Massachusetts woman, Mary Pratt, who turned 100 this year.

"Women's history in baseball is rich and is one of the many great achievements in this Nation," Senator Warren said. "The League is a reminder of women's incredible contributions to American athletics and our nation."

"The players of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League hit the ball out of the park and straight through the glass ceiling, inspiring future generations of female athletes," Senator Markey said. "They competed at a time when society gave women few opportunities beyond being homemakers, but these women hit homeruns and made history."

"I am honored to join Senator Warren, Senator Markey and all my colleagues to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League, an important part of our Nation's history," said Congressman Lynch. "Massachusetts is proud to have had twenty-nine women participate in this ground-breaking organization in American Athletics, which helped inspire all women in sports."

The Concurrent Resolution calls for Congress to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the AAGPBL and highlights the following:

The establishment of the AAGPBL to address the shortage of baseball players caused as a result of the World War II draft;
The over 600 women offered the opportunity to play professional baseball between 1943 to 1954 as a result of the AAGBPL's establishment;
Penny Marshall's film, "A League of Their Own," which familiarized millions of people in the US with the AAGPBL's history; and
The at least 29 women from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who played in the AAGPBL, including Mary Pratt who is celebrating her 100th birthday this year.
Co-sponsors include Representatives Mike Capuano (D-Mass), Katherine Clark (D-Mass), and Bill Keating (D-Mass).
