Scott Peters Endorsed by Key Environmental Advocacy Organizations


Date: Nov. 2, 2018
Location: San Diego, CA
Issues: Environment

Today, the Scott Peters for Congress campaign highlighted three endorsements from leading environmental organizations, naming Rep. Peters as a member of Congress specifically focused on promoting thoughtful, collaborative environmental policy.

At the national level, Rep. Peters has been endorsed by the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, and locally by the San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action.

"San Diegans know the health and wellbeing of our environment directly contributes to our prosperity and quality of life. As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, I have fought against the Trump Administration's sinister unraveling of climate protections, and worked to find common ground to craft a green energy policy of the future.

"Our land, air, and water depend on strong advocates, and I am thankful for the support of the Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, and the San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action. Future generations are depending on us to leave them a clean, healthy planet," said Rep. Peters.

Rep. Peters has opposed environmental rollbacks to fuel efficiency and methane emissions standards, and demanded answers from Trump-appointed E.P.A. Administrator Scott Pruitt. This year he also passed legislation to make it easier to permit hydropower facilities, a cleaner energy source, and helped secure funds to address the Tijuana river sewage spill. Those priorities were signed into law in late October.
