Issue Position: Women's Health and Economic Security

Issue Position

Speaker Sara Gideon strongly supports a woman's right to make her own health care decisions and shape her own future.

She knows there are no such thing as women's issues.
The issues that affect women first are the issues that affect every single one of us.

As a working mother of three young children, Sara has a unique understanding of the challenges facing Maine families and the critical need for economic growth and new jobs. Her desire to positively impact the lives of children and empower women and working families is why she ran for office in the first place.

Sara is working hard to make child care more affordable for working families. Finding high quality, affordable, flexible childcare is more important than ever, with many families needing two incomes to make ends meet. By leveraging available federal funds for Maine, she has a plan to increase access to affordable child care by working with providers as outlined in her LIFT bill. She also strongly supports efforts to expand paid family leave to ensure that workers are able to support their families during times of need at home.

With the rights of women to make their own decisions about their reproductive freedoms under assault, Sara remains a strong and vocal advocate for Planned Parenthood & all providers of the full range of family planning & reproductive health services. She will always fight for the rights of women to safely make their own health decisions and control their own destiny.
