Issue Position: Economic Development & Empowerment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

To create realistic pathways from educational excellence to wealth, it is an imperative that we create and drive an economic vision that promotes empowerment, job creation, supports for organized labor, entrepreneurism, sustainability, and innovation. There is tremendous potential in our community, and it is vital that we use our leverage as a major artery and entry point to the state to drive greater state allocations and investment. For decades, the infrastructure that would support economic viability in our community has seen devastating deterioration. Infrastructure investment must be a priority. This entails a particular focus on the substantial vacant and abandoned areas and corridors in our district. Building on the vision for empowerment zones, it is crucial that we aggressively incentivize and support business and job growth within the community, while attracting statewide and national employers to locate right in the 43rd District. We have tremendous human capital. With focus on targeted investment, small business and entrepreneurial support, workforce trainings, workforce investment boards, certification programs, soft skill trainings, and holistic employee support, we can empower our citizens to obtain and sustain gainful careers.

We must harness and inspire the innovative spirit in our community. We must raise the standard for economic empowerment, by facilitating an environment that fosters direct ownership and lifelong benefits. Efforts to raise the minimum wage and fight for pay equity are urgently vital, but they must not end the work. As we work toward the goal of generating wealth in our community, we must look to create avenues for immediate and substantial career opportunities that provides accessible channels for advancement. This requires a holistic focus on the supports and barriers to economic revitalization, and an aggressive commitment to connecting the resources, trainings, investments, financing, and employment opportunities to all of the people of the 43rd District.

As your State Representative, I will work to build bridges of economic growth to establish the 43rd District as a booming driver in the state and the region. I will work with you to break through perspectives that hinder development, and create an environment that expands the wealth generating capacity for families and business in our District.
