Issue Position: Reform of the Metropolitan Council

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Infrastructure

As a suburban representative, I am concerned about the growing power of the Metropolitan Council, and its "mission creep." The Council, which began as a regional planning agency for coordinating metro area waste water and sewer infrastructure, has acquired taxing and regulatory power despite being unelected and accountable only to the governor.

The Council's Thrive MSP 2040 "guidelines" have restricted roadway expansion and single- family housing development in favor of light rail transit and multi-family housing. The outcome will be increased traffic congestion and commute times and higher housing costs due to artificially-created shortages. To fund the plan's expansion of transit, Governor Dayton sought a ¾-cent sales tax increase (atop the current ¼-cent tax) in metro sales tax, a proposal the Republican-led House of Representatives rejected.
